You can use a tracking parameter, agreed with myclimate, when linking to specific calculators. The parameter is added to the end of the URL and we use it to gather the relevant reporting data for you. There are two parameters which are gathered and evaluated:
- ps
- A tracking ID agreed upon with myclimate. This is used to determine whether a visitor was referred to myclimate from your site.
- psuid
- A freely determined sequence of characters which is used to identify specific workflows or customers on your site.
The tracking ID can be used as an addon to all links to myclimate calculators. Other features of the myclimate calculators links (e.g. prefilling values) are supported alongside the tracking ID. Refer to the link documentation to learn more and to our link generator to create links with a tracking ID.
Tracking the origin
You can begin to use a tracking parameter (e.g. “ps=hotelag”) as soon as you have agreed on it with myclimate. The usage of this parameter enables myclimate to determine which visitors referred to myclimate from your site have made a donation or contribution. This enables myclimate to calculate the total amount of CO2 for which climate protection contributions were made by your customers.
<a href="">
Contribute to climate protection
Tracking specific workflows or customers
By using the second parameter (e.g. “psuid=abc12345xyz”), it enables us to identify specific users or workflows. If a contribution is made by a user following the link, myclimate can use this parameter to identify the workflow or customer. This can also be used to track different implementations of your links (e.g. in a newsletter vs. at the end of your booking process). The value of the “psuid” can be chosen arbitrarily, but must be valid in an URL. Please ensure that the tracking parameter “psuid” does not contain any personal information and that it conforms with the data protection guidelines of your organisation.
<a href="">
Contribute to climate protection
Analytics & Reporting
When using a tracking ID, myclimate is able to report back to you the total amount of CO2 for which climate protection contributions were made by your customers, including the monetary amount. Reports are feasible in many different formats and in different amounts of detail. For further information, please contact us.
Data Privacy
Unless explicitly stated in your data privacy policy and given explicit consent by the user, we are not able to provide you with identifiable customer information. We can provide you with the total amount of contributions as well as the total monetary sum. If your customer base is not specifically limited (which might allow to deduct which customer has contributed), we can also provide you with anonymized individual information.