Changelog myclimate API

Version 2.0 - March 2025

Flight Calculator

New Feature

Bulk Flight Calculator:

  • Added a new aircraft_type parameter to indicate the type of aircraft used in bulk calculations for each flight segment.

Single Flight Calculator:

  • Added new parameters: aircraft_type_leg1, aircraft_type_leg2
  • aircraft_type_leg1 corresponds to the aircraft used for the flight from origin to destination.
  • aircraft_type_leg2 corresponds to the aircraft used if the flight involves a transfer (via) between two legs.
  • If the aircraft type is unknown, the API will return "other."
  • If no aircraft type is provided, the API will return "not_specified."
  • Both aircraft_type_leg1 and aircraft_type_leg2 can either be specified or left empty, depending on flight specifics.
  • If there is no transfer leg (via), aircraft_type_leg1 will be used exclusively.

Version 1.0.1 - 2023/11/20

Flight Calculator

Factor Updates

  • Adjusted weighting of short-term effects from non-CO₂ emissions in flight impact assessment
  • Updated Radiative Forcing Index (RFI) from 2 to 3
  • Updated emission factors for more accurate flight calculations 
  • Refined flight calculation model to align with latest scientific studies (Lee et al. 2021, scnat 2021) 

New Feature

  • Added "Premium Economy" as a new seat class option for flight calculations in addition to existing options


  • Response values for flight climate impact calculations will differ due to RFI update and other factor updates
  • Flight calculations now align more closely with Net Zero 2050 goals