Calculator APIs
Integrate the calculation of carbon emissions into any IT system
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Add carbon emissions of your product or service to your website, webshop or even integrate it into your product by using our REST APIs.

We offer an OpenAPI specification of all our endpoints. Download the file and import it into your favorite HTTP tool (such as Insomnia) to start testing our APIs. Note that you need to set the username and password you got from us in the environment settings. All our changes to the API can be reviewed in our changelog, ensuring you stay up-to-date with the latest modifications and improvements.

Flight API

Calculate the carbon emission of a single flight or multiple flights at once. Specify the origin airport, the destination and the seat class. We support more advanced parameters, such as stopover, number of passengers and one-way/roundtrips.

The formula to calculate carbon emissions of flights is developed and updated by myclimate. It is renowned and well documented.

All changes made for version 2.0, including updates to the calculation formula, can be reviewed in our changelog, ensuring you stay informed about the latest modifications and improvements to our flight carbon emission calculations.


Using our car API it is possible to calculate the carbon emission of one or multiple private car trips. We support a wide variety of fuels, such as petrol, diesel, biogas, and electric. If you are unsure how much fuel your car consumes, we provide average values depending on the type of car.

Cruise Ship API

Calculate the carbon emissions of a trip on a cruise ship. Specify the type of the ship and which kind of cabin you booked.

Company API

The company API allows to calculate carbon emissions of a company. This includes buildings, mobility (commutes of your employees and business travels), food and beverages, and supplies. Contact us if you are interested in a more detailed calculation of your company's carbon emissions or if your company has additional sources of carbon emissions not covered here.

Footprint API

Calculate the carbon emissions of a personal footprint. Refer to the web version of the footprint calculator to understand the questions required to be answered.

Don't find the API you need?

We develop calculation models and new APIs based on your needs. Contact us for more information.